These initial surveys are a recommended overview of the ecological value of a site ensuring that any ecological issues are identified early in the planning stages, avoiding costly delays in the scheduling of works.
We undertake phase 1 habitat surveys or PEA assessments identifying the habitats present on site and the ecological importance of these to inform planning proposals. The surveys plot the habitats with reference to the standard UK Hab Ltd (2023) definitions (UK Habitat Classification; V2.0), assessing the likely presence or absence of protected and notable species, and evaluates the ecological impacts of the proposals.
Where suitable habitats are found during phase 1 surveys or PEAs there maybe a requirement for additional phase 2 surveys to establish if notable and/or protected species are found on site. (See Protected Species Survey)
As well as on site habitat surveys, detailed ecological desktop studies are undertaken gathering data on notable and protected species within a specific search area, statutory and non-statutory site designations and priority habitats potentially impacted by any proposed works. A comprehensive analysis of the ecological value of the site and the surrounding area, will highlight any recomended further surveys, in order to compy with local and national planning guidelines.
An EcIA is a detailed assessment based on full surveys recommended at the PEA stage. For any new development site, an impact assessment is required to establish the ecological impact proposed works may have on the biodiversity of a site at a local level. The EcIA is reqired in order for a new development to be approved by local authorities.
If any protectes species or notable habitats are present on site, mitigation or avoidance would be required in order to proceed, to prevent disruption, disturbance or damage.
Our experienced team can provide appropriate advice to determine what can be done to avoid biodiversity loss, which can be shared with stakeholders and other interested parties.